The Law Governing Remuneration in Tanzania ATE What should an employer pay an employee? The 2013 Wage Order provides the different sectors and their minimum wages. (GN 196 of 2013). 1. Agriculture Tshs 100,000/- 2. Health Services Tshs 132,000/- 3... Remuneration Mar 24, 2023 0 773
Managing Probationary Employees ATE How long is probation? According to Rule 10 (4) of the Code of Good Practice, GN 42 of 2007; an employee can be on probation for a period of not more than 12 months. This is dependent on the nature of... Probationary Employee Mar 23, 2023 0 223
SPECIAL ISSUE ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ATE The law recognises the right of persons to work safe and healthy working conditions. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 that Tanzania has ratified, recognises the... OSH Mar 22, 2023 0 170
Hours and Days of Work ATE How many days should an employee work? The law permits an employee to work to a maximum of six days a week. (Section 19 (2) (a) ELRA) How many hours in a week can an employee work? An employee may be ... Working Hours Mar 20, 2023 0 241
Managing Disciplinary matters at the workplace – Warnings ATE What are the obligations of an employer in managing Conduct? It is the employer’s duty to establish and implement a Code of Conduct for employees at the work place and to have disciplinary policies an... Warning Letters Mar 20, 2023 0 327
Termination of Employment ATE Who can terminate an employment contract? Termination is the ending of employer/employee relation and it can happen in various ways. The employer can terminate an employment contract; an employee can ... Termination General Mar 20, 2023 0 351
Terminal Benefits ATE What are the terminal benefits that an employee is entitled to upon termination of employment? There are different types of termination of employment. Employment may be terminated by the employee or t... Terminal Benefit Mar 20, 2023 0 341
Severance Pay ATE In what circumstances can severance be payable or not payable to an employee? (a) Severance pay shall be paid to an employee if; - Termination is by the Employer The termination is based on retrenchme... Severance Pay Mar 20, 2023 0 228
Termination for Operational Requirements/Retrenchment ATE What is the difference between retrenchment and redundancy? Termination by reason of operational requirements is commonly known as retrenchment or redundancy. It is the termination of employment solel... Retrenchment Mar 20, 2023 0 217
“BACK TO WORK” POST-COVID-19 ATE What are the requirements of Health and Safety once staff resumes work? An employer should Identify and mitigate risks to workers and other persons connected to the workplace arising from exposure to ... Labour Updates on Covid-19 Mar 17, 2023 0 196
Measures to reduce operational costs amidst COVID-19 ATE In these difficult and unprecedented times, many employers are finding it financially hard to keep up with the administrative costs of running a business including payment of remuneration. We have gat... Labour Updates on Covid-19 Mar 17, 2023 0 146
Retrenchment amidst Covid-19 ATE Amidst the outbreak of the global pandemic of Covid-19, some employers have had to reduce the size of businesses or to shut down operations. This necessitates cutting down on the number of employees. ... Labour Updates on Covid-19 Mar 17, 2023 0 158