The Law Governing Remuneration in Tanzania

What should an employer pay an employee?

The 2013 Wage Order provides the different sectors and their minimum wages. (GN 196 of 2013).

1. Agriculture Tshs 100,000/-
2. Health Services Tshs 132,000/-
3. Communications Services has 2 types of wages as follows:

  • Telecommunication Tshs 400,000/-
  • Broadcasting and Mass Media, Postal, and Courier Services Tshs 150,000/-

4. Domestic and Hospitality Services has 7 types of wages as follows:

  • Domestic workers employed by Diplomats and Potential Businessmen Tshs 150,000/-
  • Domestic workers employed by entitled officers Tshs. 130,000/-
  • Domestic workers other than those employed by diplomats and potential businessmen and entitled officers who are not residing in the household of the employer Tshs 80,000/-
  • Other domestic workers not specified in (a), (b), and (c) above Tshs 40,000/-
  • Potential and Tourists Hotels Tshs 250,000/-, Medium Hotels Tshs 150,000/-
  • Restaurants, Guest Houses, and Bars Tshs 130,000/-

5. Private Security Services has 2 types of wages as follows:

  • International and Potential security companies Tshs 150,000/-
  • Small Companies Tshs 100,000/- (small companies means all other than international or companies)

6. Energy Services has 2 types of wages as follows:

  • International companies Tshs 400,000/-
  • Small companies Tshs 150,000/-

7. Transport Services has has 3 types of wages as follows:

  • Aviation Services Tshs 300,000/-
  • Cleaning and Forwarding Tshs 300,000/-
  • Inland Transport Tshs 200,000/-

8. Construction Services has 3 types of wages as follows:

  • Contractors Class 1 Tshs 325,000/-
  • Contractors Class 2 - 4 Tshs 280,000/-
  • Contractors Class 5 - 7 Tshs 250,000/-

9. Mining Sector has 4 types of wages:

  • Mining Licenses and Prospecting Licenses shs 400,000/-
  • Primary Mining Licenses Tshs 200,000/-
  • Dealers Licenses Tshs 300,000/-
  • Brokers Licenses Tshs 200,000/-

10. Private Schools Services (Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools) Tshs 140,000/-

11. Trade, Industries and Commercial services has 2 types of wages

  • Trade Industries and Commerce Tshs 100,000/-
  • Financial Institutions Tshs 400,000/-

12. Fishing and Marine Services Tshs 200,000/-

13. Employers who are in other sectors not mentioned in the 12 Sectoral Minimum Wage Boards mentioned above should pay their employees Tshs 100,000/-

Section 28 of ELRA prohibits an employer from making any deduction from an employee’s remuneration unless the deduction is required or permitted under a written law, collective agreement, wage determination, court order or arbitration award or the employee agrees in writing to the deduction in respect of a debt. (Section 28 ELRA)

Yes it is. Section 27 (2) and Regulation 13 of GN 47 of 2017 provides the format in which the slip should be in. it should contain the following:
(a) Name of employee;
(b) Date, Month and Year of payment in respect of which payment is made;
(c) Name of Employer or Logo;
(d) Employment or Check Number;
(e) Statutory Deductions;
(f) other deductions;
(g) Gross or Basic salary; and
(h) Net Salary

The law stipulates that the total deductions from an employee’s remuneration should not exceed one quarter of the employee’s remuneration in money

Compulsory deductions include: social security contributions and Tax deductions
Other deductions are subject to the agreement of the employee or any conditions pre existing as stipulated in section 28 and may include: Previous loans, Insurance contributions, repayments of losses/damages and others

Managing Probationary Employees