The law recognises the right of persons to work safe and healthy working conditions. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 that Tanzania has ratified, recognises the right to a safe and healthy environment as a fundamental human right. (article 7b)
There are certain responsibilities of employers in different sectors and here we will mention 3 sectors:

In mining (Article 7 of Convention NO. 176)
Employers are to take necessary measures to eliminate or minimise the risks to safety and health in mines under their control in order to:

  • Ensure the mine is designed and constructed to provide for safe operation and a healthy working environment
  • Ensure that Commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of mines is done in away that does not endangered the safety and health of workers
  • Maintain stability of the ground
  • Provide at least two exits underground
  • Monitor, assess and inspect to identify hazards
  • Ensure adequate ventilation
  • Draw up and implement plan of zones susceptible to particular hazards
  • Prevent, detect and combat the start and spread of fire and explosions
  • Ensure that in serious danger, operations are stopped and workers are evacuated to a safe location

Duties of employers in agriculture
Employers are to ensure the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to work (Article 6 of Convention no. 184)

Rights of workers in respect to OSH

  • Right to a safe and healthy working environment ( Article 3 (2) of Convention 187)
  • Right to participate in OSH measures in the work place (Article 10 of C. 167; Article 5(2) of C.176; Article 8(1) (b) of C. 184)
  • Right to be informed on safety and health matters (Article 33 of C.167)
  • Right to removal (Article. 12(1) of C. 167)

Certain duties of workers include to:

  • Cooperate with employer in the application of the OSH measures
  • Report to immediate supervisor and workers safety representative where a situation that could pose a risk to safety and health exists
  • Comply with prescribed OSH measures

Hours and Days of Work