
Tanga Cement PLC

(the then Tanga Cement Company Limited) has the capacity to produce more than 1.25 million tonnes of Simba cement and more than 1.25 million tonnes of clinker. The primary raw material, limestone, is located at the plant site. The Company completed second largest expansion project by installing kiln number two.

The first expansion project by the company involved installation of cement mill number two and packer III.Tanga Cement Company’s manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001: certified.

Simba cement products are produced in accordance with Tanzania Cement Standard TZS 721-1: which is equivalent to East African standard for cement EAS 18-1: and European Standard for cement EN 197-1.

Tanga Cement PLC is located about 15 kilometre from Tanga city centre. The company is incorporated in Tanzania under the Tanzanian companies Act 2002 as a public company limited by shares.

Our Vision.
To be the East Africa’s preferred cement manufacturer and distributor.

Our Mission.
To develop, produce and distribute consistently high quality cement and related products and services in a sustainable manner to satisfy our customers’ expectations.

We care about safety of our employees and all the contractors working on site and make sure we return them home safely after end of the shift.

Brand Promise: Simba Cement continues to live its brand promise as the Pride of the Nation. It promises its customers of quality consistence and availability due to the trusted distribution network it has built with its distributors as well as company managed depots in the country.

Brand Commitment: Apart from its commitment to high quality consistency and availability to its customers, the after-sales service offered by Simba Cement team of Engineers and Concrete Technologists, as well as regional representatives is unique in Tanzania.

Brand Logo and other Corporate Signs: Simba means Lion; some of the Lion’s characteristics are Strength and Courage; Lion is the King of the jungle, Pride of the Nation, Simba Cement takes pride in being the leading brand in all aspects. Its tag-line ‘STRENGTH WITHIN’ means when you’re using Simba Cement, you’ll discover the strength that you never knew that you’ve ever had. Strength of everything you do in your daily activities to get where you want to, is found within Simba Cement and this what brings the emotional tie with the brand.