Enhancing Gender Inclusivity in the TVET System in Tanzania

The Role of TVET in skills development in Tanzania
Shaping Tanzania’s TVET system is a critical path in promoting and increasing the participation of youth in the labour market hence reducing the unemployment rate in Tanzania. It provides an opportunity for the youth to access practical skills or technology and hence increase their employability skills in the labour market.

Enrollment and Participation of Women in TVET Programs
In Tanzania, the number of young women joining TVET programs is very minimal hence this has been associated with the existing gender gap in the labour market. Studies have shown, low enrollment has been associated with several factors including unfavourable policy frameworks, biases, cultural issues, and unconducive learning environments both at schools and workplaces as well as. The rationale for the TVETDP 2013/14 – 2017/18 was to improve the participation of youth-specific females in TVET programs. Specifically, the plan aimed at increasing the overall enrolment of female learners in VET and TET from 46.8% and 47.9% respectively to at least 50% for the period between 2011/12 and 2017/18.
Findings reveal that 48.2% and 32.8% of females were enrolled in TET and VET in 2017/18 respectively. In comparison to the set target, the achievement is 96.4% and 65.6% for technical education and Vocational Education and Training respectively. Gender Disaggregated Data on Students Enrolled and Graduated from Vet Centers in Tanzania from 2015 - 2020

Key Intervention
ATE as an employer organization that advocates for the evolving needs of employers plays a pivotal role in promoting a modernized TVET system with linkages between industry, unions, and TVET institutions because they have direct access to companies and unions that can identify immediate skills needs at company sites.

Specifically, the association is collaborating with the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) and tripartite social partners (TUCTA and affiliates) to ensure young women are getting the opportunity to join TVET programs. This also aims to complement other efforts made by the Government, private sector companies, etc. in addressing skills mismatch, gender equality, and decent working environment in the world of work.

Benefits of the ATE TVET Project to the Youth

  • Access to quality practical skills
  • Access to decent work
  • Access to learning by doing Influences self-learning as he/she is the one who decides on the course to learn
  • Able to get mentors
  • Influence females to learn
  • Stipends will add morale for youth to learn and work hard (Funded Programme)
  • Creating equal opportunities for young women and men to access education in the TVET system

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